Create Child Theme for Customization of TwoSides

TwoSides plugin MAY REQUIRE you to replace your comments.php file inside a child-theme (or parent theme)!
To add theme templates to a child theme follow the instructions below.
  1. The process to follow is ONLY to be done if you have checked the Use Theme Comments List Template option.
     If you do not use YOUR theme’s comments list then TwoSides automatically adds one.
  2. Create Child Theme. For further instructions on building a child-theme view:
  3. You should now have a child-theme folder to add files to. We require at least these 4 files:
    • functions.php
    • page.php ( or index.php or single.php* )
    • screenshot.png
    • comments.php
  4. The last one — comments.php being the file you will be required to change.
    image of ftp client
  5. Get the comments.php file from your Child Theme and save it in the provided folder inside of the plugin template directory inside of the folder named folder that is named theme inside of plugintheme. This folder is for convenience only and has nothing to do with how the plugin or theme works. It is merely a place to keep your original file. You may feel safer keeping this file some other place but it really should not matter if you have the original comments file in your parent theme to fall back on.
  6. Now highlight and copy the code below** that is to go inside of the new comments.php file and paste that copied code into your new comments.php file.

*Any of these three files can be omitted but some versions of themes require at least one of these to be included in a child-theme.

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