Debate Plugin by TSW


List your comments as opinions or views on two separate sides of the page.

Twosides is exactly that: a plugin that list your opinions or views on two separate sides of the page according to the positive or negative ideology of the comment.
Call them anything you like but for lack of spending all day to create this monster we call them Opinions. Twosides has a few requirements but that is part of what helps to make it unique.

The basic premise is for a blog to contain a subject matter in a single post which, can instill a wave of comments that are split into two groups as responses to the single post. Pro/Con, Conservative/Progressive, Beatles/Rolling Stones, Mom/Dad, Product opinions, Positive/Negative Reviews…. endless possibilities.


  • Pro / Con styled comments
  • One type goes to the left of page and the other to the right
  • Set background colors for comments and opener buttons
  • One button opens positive comments and the other opens negative
  • You can name comments anything you want in admin panel. (pro/con, upside/downside, etc.)
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